Saturday, February 18, 2006

Take Yer Best Shot!

Dear Link Lover,

I have a great idea!

As we all know, Vice President Cheney accidentally shot his friend Harry W. while hunting quail this past week. Whooeee! He confessed, albeit a day or two later, that he 'done it,' he'd pulled the trigger, and it was entirely his fault... and he'll remember the image of his friend falling to the ground FOREVER!

Okay. So sad... But it didn't have to happen.

Dick and his friends could have very simply alleviated all that grief and embarrassment. One of the "worst days of (his) life" could have been transformed completely, with no fear of possibly killing someone while VP! How?

Paintball guns!

That's right. What if everyone, armed with paintball guns, was "hunting" the other guys? Now imagine, if you will - Dick shoots and hits Harry in the face with a paint ball:

Dick: Ha-ha! I got you! I sure did!

Harry: Yup, you got me alright. (Harry wipes the paint and tears from his eyes.) Ha! Ha! Ha!

Then, Harry is out of the game and free to could go clean up while Dick continues with the fun.

So that's my idea - instead of 28-gauge shotguns, the whole expedition should have packed Airsoft Guns, for all the fun and excitement of the hunt without the possibility of killing any innocent quail (although apparently the quail weren't in any danger) or your lawyer friends!

This fabulous brainstorm has been brought to you by online car insurance quotes. Looking for better rates? Take a shot - ooops - I mean, take a good look!

And while you're web surfing, you may want to check out stock option investments. You say you know nothing about stocks? That's great! You'll find all the online tools you need to invest with a bang - uh, I mean, intelligently - in the stock market.

As I sit here typing away, I'm thinking "Gee, I sure am glad I'm sitting in this terrific office chair with excellent back support. Otherwise, my posterior would be hurtin' and my back would be in pain!"

If you are reading this while propped up on an old kitchen chair or a broken desk chair or maybe a spinning piano stool, perhaps you should consider looking at commercial office chairs. Take my advice - straight from the hip (ooops, sorry) - a decent office chair is worth its weight in gold!

Well, that's it for this time!

Your Lively Link Lady


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