Wednesday, March 29, 2006

"But Wait! There's More!"

Hello Friends!

I just finished reading my newest issue of Reader's Digest, and was thrilled to find their annual installment of "But Wait! There's More!" It's always fun to see their review of the latest infomercial products, and how they rate them. Of course, you can't tell whether a product is any good from the actual commercial, so this annual offering by Reader's Digest is a valuable public service.

I'm not going to discuss each item here. You can pick up your own copy of R.D. for that. I'll just give you the rundown on the winners; these are the ones that actually do what they say they do, and they're a good value.

One of the favorite products is the CD Stripper. This is a simple plastic device that removes that stubborn platic wrapper and security sticker from your new CD case. Just slide the CD case in, then out, and a hidden blade peels it right off. The best part is that the blade cannot be found, even by several determined little boys. The listed price is $9.99.

Another winner is the Little Giant Ladder. At $360 it's not cheap, but it does everything the commercial says it does--which is the job of 24 ladders! So really, it's a bargain, and everyone who tried it thought it was great.

These are the only two items that recieved all four stars, but some of the other products were also very good. So there you have it. In the mean time, it's just a short wait now for one of my favorite things: Spring Flowers. Always a four-star winner!


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