Thursday, December 07, 2006

My Apparent Disappearance

Dear Web Wanderer,

Where the heck have I been? How many times have you asked yourself that question? How many times have you visted this blog and found my last post of August 26 still residing here and wondered, what the heck happened to her? Where is that prolific, entertaining, fun-to-read blogger that I am so fond of? Well, I'm not dead if that's what you're thinking.

On the other hand, if "where the heck have I been?" is a question you've been asking yourself about your own whereabouts, maybe I can help you. Where are you now? If you are reading this it is safe to say you are using a computer. Is it your own computer? If not, are you at the library? (Look around you.) Are you at a friend's house, or using Mom's computer? If none of these possiblities rings a bell, chances are you are somewhere you are not supposed to be, and you need to GO. Come back later.

For the rest of you, let me apologize right here for my extended absence. Life has taken me in many new (and not always pleasant) directions, and meanwhile I have learned one basic eternal truth: it's hard to keep up with six weblogs when you have other stuff to do.

Please accept my sincere apologies, and I promise to keep you entertained much more frequently.

S. K. Links-A-Lot


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