Sunday, December 31, 2006

Out With the Old!

So quickly, it's already New Year's Eve, and I haven't even had a chance to ask if Santa brought you lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh...

Well, did he?

I don't know about you, but I am very much looking forward to the upcoming new year. This year sucked, and I'm glad to be rid of it! And to celebrate, this morning I cleaned out my garage. The weather was frigid, probably 8 degrees F, but I didn't care. A friend came by with a trailer and we loaded it up with dead major appliances, unassembled furniture, rusty steel drums (don't ask) and broken down cardboard boxes! (Sigh!) It felt so good sweeping the dust and the dirt out onto the clean white snow. And now I have room for a car!

See, already I'm setting myself up for a much better new year. I makin' plans! Which might even lead to goals and - dare I say it? - resolutions!

Have a fabulous new year!


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