Sunday, December 31, 2006

Get Your Tickets - The Easy Way!

Speaking of easy (okay, see my previous post), have you ever bought online airline tickets; or online tickets to the movies or maybe a theme park? I have. It's so cool just walkin' in right past that long sorry line with your ticket in hand; no waiting, no muss, no fuss. You can even wear a haughty little smirk on your face, or stick out your tongue if you've got guts and you're really immature.

In any case, did you know that now, through an online premium ticket broker, you can get tickets to sporting events, concerts, threatre productions, and even fabulous Las Vegas shows? You can get tickets to just about any kind of event online, which means you won't have to wait in that long line just to watch the guy in front of you buy the last tickets, or get stuck with the crummy seats in the binoculors section. Here's a tip: Premium Seats USA offers a huge selection of first-class tickets to concerts, sports and theater events nationwide. It only takes a few clicks, and walla! Your tickets are in the bag!

Just another way for the Link Lady to make your life a little bit easier.


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