Saturday, November 26, 2005

Welcome, Link Lovers!

Dear Fellow Link Lover,

I love links. Don't you?

I love links probably way more than I should. Every time I'm reading a line of content on a website or in a blog or an e-Book and I come across a link, guess what? I have to click it. I must!

I try not to. After all I'm busy, or I wouldn't be there to begin with. I'm usually concentrating on something or in the middle of something very important. Then - WHAM! There it is! That little blue underlined word (or phrase) that says so sweetly, Click me! Here I am! Click me!

I think to myself. "This link must lead to something really good, or it wouldn't be here."

Slowly my mouse guides the curser to the link and hovers over it. The curser miraculously turns into a tiny little hand with a teeny little index finger pointing to my link. (By now it's my link, you see. I'm just deciding how to handle it with my tiny pointy hand.)

I think, "Hmmm, I'm kinda busy right now. Do I have time to take a side trip?" A side trip might be okay. It takes you off course a bit, but you never lose track of your purpose and you easily find your way right back to where you were.Why? Because side trip links don't amount to much. Maybe they go somewhere you've already been. Maybe they take you somewhere you'd never knowingly go on your own. Might even be a dud link that goes nowhere. An irritating error message. Or maybe it takes you something of interest, but for later, not now. Bookmark it. Hit the back button. And back to the task at hand.

But what if it's a rabbit hole?A rabbit hole is a totally different thing. This is a link like no other; a SUPER link! This link takes you on a magic journey to a fabulous place! And guess what! There are still more links in this new and most fabulous place! And these links are just as good or even better! You have to look around! You have to check this out!!! You love all of these new places! You meander along, clicking here and clicking there, having totally forgotten how you got there or what you were doing in your former life.

You're lost.

You've fallen down a rabbit hole. You've been sucked right in, and three hours or so have disappeared and you don't know where they went. And whatever happened to that -- that -- what-ever-it-was you were working on?

My name is not Alice, but it might as well be. I fall down rabbit holes all the time. But, I learn so much! I get ideas! I'm amazed and amused and bemused and hopelessly sidetracked. Then I realize I just don't have the time to visit this site the way I'd really like to, so I bookmark it. My favorites list is, well, lengthy! And, okay, I admit it. I've rarely gone back to visit these sites... Okay, it's true! I don't know where the heck some of these bookmarks go, and I probably never will!

If any of this sounds like you, you'll love this blog! I'll share my favorite links with you. If I discover something new and wonderful, you'll be the first to know! If I fall down any more rabbit holes, I'll grab what I can along the way to bring back to you. (Remember Alice's rabbit hole? Remember all the cool stuff she passed as she floated along, down that rabbit hole?)

Are ya with me? Let's GO!

Yours truly,
S.K. Link Lover

PS. Did you click on the very first link above? Were you surprised???